library_topFunDza was invited to run a workshop for library assistants in Gauteng about how they can use the Harmony High books, and our It Your Right! pocket booklets, to start reading clubs in local libraries. So on the 24 February I ran a day’s workshop in the rather dim basement lecture theatre of the very beautiful Johannesburg City Library with 22 librarian assistants.

The request for training has been one that we at FunDza are hearing more and more –that more support is needed to go with our materials. So watch this space for some changes to FunDza programmes… but that is another story!

It was good to see the library assistants’ interest and enthusiasm for our stories as that is really our secret recipe ingredient: fantastic content that keeps readers coming back for more. Many assistants wanted to borrow the Harmony High books to continue reading, and had to be assured by Lungile Msiya, who organised the workshop, that they would be receiving them in their libraries!

We explored various ways of using the stories to encourage discussion, drama and role-play, as these are useful ways to develop reading for understanding. So often schools focus on decoding and basic comprehension, leaving out the other vital practices used by good readers. We would like to encourage readers – and the Reading Champions using our resources – to explore a range of ways of using text to deepen reading practice.

It was a productive and useful day. Here are some representative samples from the evaluation form:

What did you find most useful?

“Being able to discuss the books in groups because it allowed everyone to state their view on the books and also sharing knowledge and understanding.”

“The concept and advice on how to run teen book clubs.”

What was not useful?

“Everything was helpful and interesting.”

[We’re glad to see that no-one had reported that anything wasn’t useful.]

What would you like to see more of?

“More of the Harmony High books published and made available to libraries.”

“More trainings like this be done.”

And, in response to the last remark, we’re definitely planning on more training in the future as we can see that it is a useful way for us to ensure that our books and resources are used effectively and enjoyed as widely as possible.

