Celebrating our first FunDza Fellows

Celebrating our first FunDza Fellows

On 17 March 2021, FunDza hosted it’s first introductory workshop for 18 young people selected to be the inaugural members of the FunDza Fellowship programme. The plan: to take this group on an exciting writing journey that we hoped would inform, challenge and...
Whoop! Whoop! Yes, we do LOVE writing!

Whoop! Whoop! Yes, we do LOVE writing!

We first started our ‘developing young writers’ programme 10 years ago because our online readers were inspired by FunDza’s stories and wanted to write and get published too. Since the first Fanz pieces were published in May 2011 on fundza.mobi, we...
FunDza – A Literary Melting Pot

FunDza – A Literary Melting Pot

The following piece is written by one of our readers and writers, Kingsley Khobotlo. Kingsley was first a ‘Fanz’ writer who we then invited onto a writing course where he wrote a professional story for FunDza, which you can read here. You can read more of his...
Growing poets through our Fellowship

Growing poets through our Fellowship

This year we launched an exciting new project to develop our young writers: the FunDza Fellowship – a 10-month writing programme for 15 of our aspiring writers, conducted virtually. We selected young people, who had previously submitted Fanz writing or entered FunDza...
Top Reads

Top Reads

It is always fascinating to see our top reads, particularly as ‘trending reads’ are no longer highlighted on the site, so these items have been found independently by thousands of readers who have voted with their ‘clicks’. Unsurprisingly, love is an overarching...
Taking up the Challenge!

Taking up the Challenge!

Since March 2020 (the beginning of our financial year) FunDza has run six writing challenges aimed at getting our ‘FunDza Fanz’ writers to pick up pen and paper and practise their writing skills. The writing challenges have been run on FunDza’s WhatsApp...
Fly with FunDza – New writers take off!

Fly with FunDza – New writers take off!

This year the South African Book Fair went virtual – a first, along with the many firsts, in our ‘new normal’. FunDza was invited to be part of the Children’s Programme in the virtual ‘Magic Tent’ which offered a range of exciting activities, from workshops to...
MeWithYou Virtual writing workshops

MeWithYou Virtual writing workshops

We had received a grant from the National Arts Council to run a young writers development project called “Me With You: Sharing our Stories”. This included two two-day writing workshops, one in KwaZulu-Natal, and then one in the Western Cape. We had set up...
Supporting our writers through social media

Supporting our writers through social media

Although our mobi site is the place where we have most of our content, we are also active on WhatsApp and Facebook, using these platforms to share and promote a wealth of content from stories and blogs to online courses, and to encourage FunDza Fanz to send in their...