10956632_753873824710450_2953102358323920457_nThe Read-Connect-Share campaign is an initiative of the FunDza Literacy Trust, the Open Book Festival and the Book Lounge, to connect young people with exciting books and to see just how far books can travel!

The campaign launched on World Book Day, Thursday 23 April at 3pm at the Book Lounge (corner Roeland Street and Buitenkant Street in Cape Town), where more than 50 books were ‘released’ to interested members of the public from the Book Lounge’s new reading bench.
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Two follow-up launches will happen in Khayelitsha on 24 April with youth from Velokhaya and Ndifuna Ukwazi.

Some of the books included in the initial launch of the campaign are from the Harmony High series, by innovative publisher Cover2Cover Books. These series of books follows the lives of a group of teens attending a fictional township high school, Harmony High. The stories reflect their choices, struggles and triumphs. Chapters are short and the language is accessible. Plots are built on tension and excitement. Harmony High books are positive, but not preachy. They are teen ‘soapies’ guaranteed to get young people hooked on reading…

In addition, there’ll be the popular Big Ups! anthologies – these are collections of stories published on FunDza’s mobi network that FunDza readers have given a ‘big ups to da author’!

Each of the books in the campaign has a big Read-Connect-Share sticker on it, with info about how to participate. Each book also has a unique number identifier. People who get their hands on a copy of the book will need to read it, then take a picture of themselves with the book and post this (together with the book’s unique identifier) to the campaign’s Facebook page or the Read-Connect-Share WhatsApp account, and then pass the book on to another keen reader. People who connect with us via the campaign, will be entered into monthly draws to receive other books and airtime too.

Follow the campaign by liking the Read-Connect-Share Facebook page at: www.facebook.com/readconnectshare

Participate in the campaign by either donating good quality, interesting second-hand books aimed at the youth market or buy and donate new books. All books aimed at this campaign can be dropped off at the Book Lounge.

To find out more, contact FunDza Literacy Trust executive director, Mignon Hardie, mignon@fundza.co.za or 021 709 0688.
