Today we want to thank one of our most prolific and talented FunDza writers, Michelle Faure.

Her mobi short stories are gripping and have excited and delighted readers on the FunDza mobi site. She is not afraid to tackle controversial themes and this has brought an overwhelming response from readers, who relate to the stories and have called for more!

Here are some responses to just some of her stories….

Extra Lessons  “I really loved the story, and how Ayanda and Sandra handled their situation.”

Romeo and Juliet: Drama Queen  “This story is supercarlifragalisticexpalidocious”  and “What an interesting read, however we need Part2 so we can know how their relationship continued!”

Daydreams and Nightmares “Amazing story. It reminds me of myself, my boyfriend and our son and how close we were at some point and lost each other. I cried all the way til the end. BIG UP to the author”.

Dreamgirl “I think Thembi is a brave girl starting from day one she didn’t allow Themba abuse her family like he likes.”


Thanks for all your hard work and your enthusiasm for FunDza!

Read more about Michelle here

