by Asithandile Tyulu | Mar 31, 2022 | Our News
Dorothy Dyer Many lecturers complain that their students struggle with writing, particularly the formal academic writing required for tertiary study. But the curriculum is so packed it is hard to find time to support students to develop this vital skill. So…...
by Team Fundza | Jun 14, 2021 | Our News
From March to May 2021, FunDza ran a course competition – That Majola Magic – in partnership with the Momentum Metropolitan Foundation. This was a sequel to the highly successful ‘Moving up with the Majolas’ competition. Through the course competition, participants...
by Nadeema Musthan | Nov 25, 2020 | Our News
FunDza always has three open online courses on offer to our readers. They cover a range of topics – some are theme-related, focusing on topical issues or themes such as bullying, xenophobia, or even romance, whereas others are focused on other areas such as...
by Nadeema Musthan | Feb 12, 2016 | Our News
FunDza is in the process of developing an online curriculum which we mainly piloted last year with the Western Cape’s Year Beyond project in eight high schools. However as the computers and Internet were not always functioning at these schools, and so the learners...