by Nadeema Musthan | Apr 12, 2021 | Our News |
On 6 April 2021, FunDza turned 10 years old! We’re hugely proud of our longevity and the impact that we have had on the lives of young people across our country – and beyond too! A little later in the year we will release an impact report that will...
by Nadeema Musthan | Apr 8, 2021 | Our News
On we always have at least three free courses available. They are not accredited with any institutions, but those who complete the courses do get an electronic certificate. They are based our fabulous FunDza content, covering a range of topics from love...
by Nadeema Musthan | Nov 17, 2019 | Our News |
For her Masters of Education research at the University of Witwatersrand, under the supervision of Dr Belinda Mendelowitz, Fatima Vally explored the impact that multimodal composition could have on the creative writing of a class of grade 7 learners. And, she used...
by Nadeema Musthan | Nov 15, 2019 | Our News
It’s always great to keep up with writers we have worked with, and see what they are doing. Lawrence Simelane was a mentee writer in one of our projects in Gauteng in 2015. He is also involved in the performing arts – and his original story was about a pantsula...
by Nadeema Musthan | May 21, 2019 | Our News
We are working on an exciting new project with the National Association of Child Care Workers (NACCW). For one of their interventions, the NACCW have two field-workers at eight high schools in KZN where they support learners with psycho-social issues and interact with...
by Nadeema Musthan | Nov 27, 2018 | Our News
South Africa’s literacy crisis is well recognised, and the government as well as many other stakeholders are all striving to find solutions. Our board member, Xolisa Guzula, and some of her colleagues at UCT Education Department and other institutions, have recently...
by Nadeema Musthan | Oct 29, 2018 | Our News
FunDza is launching a brand new publication in a brand new format. We have called it a Funzine – and it is a mixture of a book, magazine and textbook. It will be A4, and will be a collection of all kinds of different texts: stories, poems (by our FunDza Fanz as well...
by Team Fundza | Aug 27, 2018 | Our News
FunDza Literacy Trust has joined forces with Activate Change Drivers to promote an active citizenry and the love of reading through a show called #ActivateHour on Bush Radio 89.5FM. The radio show airs fortnightly on a Thursday from 3pm to 4pm. On the show, we discuss...
by Nadeema Musthan | May 28, 2018 | Our News
When I think of home I think of comfort, a retreat from the world, a space for family and friends, a place for reflection and introspection. My home is a safe space. My community is largely safe too. Of course there is crime but it doesn’t impinge too much on my life:...
by Team Fundza | May 8, 2018 | Our News
On May the 7th, LEMOSA (the Learners Movement of South Africa) hosted its 4th Career Exhibition in Delft. Various organisations were invited to display at the career exhibition and FunDza was invited to present as well. Other organisations there were: AFDA, Mancosa,...