unnamedSo we’ve started something new this year – hosting Friday afternoon videos so that we can explore ideas and discuss topics related to education, technology, economics, politics and society. It’s been an amazing space for us to discuss, share, learn and grow.

Everyone has a turn to show a video (or a series of videos, depending on the choice!) that has resonated with them, and after we discuss what it means, what we took away from it and the host explains why they chose this particular clip.

This is what we’ve watched so far –

Phoebe went the TED talks route and we watched a Ken Robinson clip on whether schools kill creativity. You can watch this here. She also treated us to the Power of Visualization with Tony Robbins, showcasing the power of the mind – there were lots of comments around this! Phoebe’s last video was basic cartoon, depicting the power of community and vision, some definite food for thought. You can watch that clip here. Thank you, Phoebe!

Shelley’s turn to show some videos was during Trump coming to power and other bad news, so she decided to show more uplifting clips, less thought provoking and more feel good. The #loverugby campaign was a good laugh, and wonderful to see how sport can bring a country together. Watch this movie here. Another feel good video, opening borders and personalising refugees was the Amnesty International clip that went viral – a social experiment consisting of holding eye contact. You can see those that took part initially found it quite unnerving and here at FunDza we found it rather emotional. As Shelley is sporty and a keen runner, she shared this inspiring clip about running and what it does. She dare says it encouraged some staff to hit the tarmac! Watch this video here. Still uplifting, but a little more thought provoking, she shared with FunDza a social experiment about how we, as part of society, can be sheep. This ensued a big discussion about what we’d do in this movie – what would YOU do?

Mignon Hardie, the executive director of FunDza was the first to kick off these sessions, and she shared some clips that resonated with her. Having attended the OEB 2016 – she was keen to show Andreas Schleicher, OECD, giving the opening plenary on the future of education. This was thoroughly enjoyed by all – watch it here. Sticking with talks from OEB last year, we also watched Alec Couros from the University of Regina, talking about how teaching and learning is changing. Find the clip here. Futhermore, we learnt “How MIT (Really) Learns” with Philipp Schmidt of MIT Media Lab. We really enjoyed seeing these clips as we saw what Mignon had learned over there and felt a part of it. Mignon also shared one of her favourite TED talks – Your Elusive Creative Genius with Elizabeth Gilbert, which was hugely inspiring.

On Mignon’s second turn to host some screen time, she shared a video that had gone viral over social media. It was TV2Danmark’s “All that we share” – reminding us that no matter who we are, what we look like, what our jobs are, we are ultimately all just PEOPLE. And we share more with each other than we know. There wasn’t a dry eye in the house! We were also treated to a clip on Ian Leslie talking about “Why we must continue to learn and be curious” – and we understand that curiosity is a muscle – use it or lose it! Thanks Mignon, for this reminder!

Alonzo did a quick inspiring kindness clip. A great feel-good moment for us on a Friday! American TV channel FOX5 has a programme called The Surprise Squad, almost like home makeover but with a cause! In Alonzo’s clip a couple adopts their dying neighbour’s 3 Kids – adding to their original brood! Their house is chaos, to say the least – until The Surprise Squad descend and make things beautiful and comfortable for them. Lots of tears of happiness – it was hard not to feel inspired to do something kind that day! If not every day!

Aimee-Claire, FunDza’s latest intern and only ours until end of April, was next up. Random acts of kindness is a real movement and this inspiring clip shows just that. Sticking with the theme of kindness, she shared a 10 minute TED talk by Orly Wahba on kindness and what it means. Thanks Aimee-Claire!

Nandi shared next! What resonated with Nandi was Patti Drobowolski’s “Draw your future-take control of your life” – and we agreed wholeheartedly – thanks for that treat, Nandi. Also shared by Nandi was “Programming your mind for success” by Carrie Green and opened us up to thinking outside of the box and reaching for opporunities and we left the meeting room feeling suitably inspired.

Veronica Boyi shared a really relevant clip with us. Leymah Gbowee: Unlock the intelligence, passion, greatness of girls – what ensued next was a lengthy discussion on sexual discrimination and the roles of women. Thanks for the contentious issue Veronica, we really enjoyed your clip! Watch it here.

We hope you have a gap that allows you to watch one or two of these inspiring clips, and we’ll share our next batch with you soonest. Happy viewing!

