The FunDza Literacy Trust is very grateful to the Rotary Club of Newlands for supporting its “popularising reading” initiative with a R5000 donation which contributed towards the costs of 100 books from the Harmony High series that have been distributed to various organisations.

FunDza aims to popularise reading by providing groups and organisations working to improve literacy among South African teens and young adults with reading material that is popular and accessible. The Harmony High series, commissioned from new publisher Cover2Cover Books, is just that – the books are page-turners with exciting plots and interesting characters. The stories reflect the lives and the life choices faced by many young people who grow up in economically-stressed communities.

In the month of October, the FunDza Literacy Trust has been able to distribute more than 650 books to various beneficiaries. Thanks again to the Rotary Club of Newlands for helping FunDza to reach this target.

It is FunDza’s mission to get young South Africans reading. Do contact us if you’d like to partner with us and support our efforts.
