On the 30 June 2018, Nandi from FunDza Literacy Trust visited the KwaFaku book jam in Crossroads, Cape Town. The Book Jam was organised to encourage children and young adults to read for enjoyment and write for expression.

It is through such initiatives with community-based organisations that we are able to pave the way for a reading revolution across communities in not only Crossroads but also the country at large. A variety of books were handed out to the attendees who, through the pouring rain, came out in numbers to receive them. The pouring rain seemed to do very little to deter the little ones from attending the Book Jam! The organisers said that besides our FunDza Rights booklets we brought, there were approximately 30 000 books sealed in boxes ready to be delivered to community based organisations to encourage children to not only use crayons to colour books, but to also colour their minds with words.

“The first step to increasing reading achievement is providing quality books that will encourage children to read. Studies demonstrate convincingly the impact of access to books on reading achievement” (Taylor  et al., 1990).
