BizCommunity published ‘A library on a phone’ mobi network boosts reading’ – 16 November 2014
IT WEB published ‘SA’s FunDza finalist in Tech Awards’ – 17 September 2014.
The Daily News published ‘NPOs fill literacy and reading gaps’ on Monday 8 September 2014.
Inyathelo published ‘Lessons from a start up‘ – learnings from a peer session facilitated by Nicci Giles – 28 August 2014.
Bizcommunity published – FunDza Literacy Trust nominated for TechAward – on 27 August 2014.
IT-ONLINE – FunDza Finalist in TechAward on 21 August 2014.
The Friends of the African Village Libraries published a blog post about FunDza on 21 August 2014.
Palesa Morudu’s article ‘Do your bit for global sanity: pick up a book‘ was published in the Business Day on 5th of August 2014.
Ventureburn posted an article about Project Isizwe’s launch and FunDza’s partnership with them – Project Isizwe launches 213 free wi-fi hotspots in Tshwane – 30 July 2014.
Bizcommunity posted an article – ‘Nkaynyiso Bityel wins Mxit Reach Ibali Lami writing competition’ – 21 July 2014.
The Guardian (UK) published – How to open up citizen journalism in Africa beyond the smartphone minority – 9 July 2014.
VentureBurn published – 15 Creative Edtech startups empowering Africa – 5 June 2014.
Wise Ed Hub – published this blog about our ‘Growing Communities of Readers’ programme – May 2014.
The Mail & Guardian’s ‘Hand-held tech can help hold government to account‘ article – features FunDza’s ‘Rights’ story project – 12 May 2014.
Ventureburn ran the article: Mobile education startup FunDza a finalist in 2014 WISE Awards – 23 April 2014.
South Africa: The Good News ran “FunDza Literacy Trust named as a WISE Award Finalist” – 23 April 2014.
The FNB ‘Stories of Help’ blog ran ‘The joy of reading can help” – 26 March 2014.
The Varsity Newspaper – a article “The Magic of FunDza” by Busang Senne – 25 February 2014.
The Nominet Trust 100: A guest blog post by Mignon Hardie – “Sparking a reading revolution across South Africa” – 21 February 2014.
The Witness: “Empowering the Young with Cellphone Libraries” – 6 February 2014.
The Media Online: “FunDza celebrates 20 years of democracy with mobi short story series” – 28 January 2014.