FunDza is so pleased to welcome two new staffers to the team: Phoebe Sibomana and Zimkhitha Mlanzeli.
Phoebe is a UWC graduate with an Honours in Social Development. She joined FunDza last year as an intern. Her proactive attitude to work and enthusiasm for FunDza meant that she was a must-have addition to the team for 2013. Phoebe is responsible for the administration of FunDza’s Popularising Reading programme: getting high-interest YA (young adult) books to registered beneficiary groups nationwide. With more than 120 beneficiary organisations and a growing number of titles, ensuring efficient communications, stock control and reporting is essential. Phoebe’s superior organisational skills will certainly be put to good use. In addition, Phoebe will ensure that FunDza’s phones are answered, invoices filed and office is kept ship-shape!
Zimkhitha is an up-and-coming writer who first made contact with FunDza as one of the “FunDza Fanz” – the young writers who submit their work for publication on the mobi network. Her stories were of such a high quality that FunDza decided to start publishing them as serialised short stories in the professionally-written and commissioned “Mo-Books” section. Zimkhitha is now working as the “FunDza Fanz” liaison: to help develop other young aspirant writers so that their work can also get published. Zimkhitha will be involved in the selection of work for publication, the editing of work and providing the writers with feedback and advice. In addition, she’ll assist in the facilitation of Write4Life creative writing workshops… and hopefully carry on with her own writing too!