Calendar - Oct15

September 2015 was one of FunDza’s busiest months and we’re trying to recover! But there is still a lot on the go. Here’s a list of the upcoming special days on our calendar.

3 October: Dorothy presents workshops about using FunDza in the classroom at the uThungulu Teacher Peer Learning Fair in Richards Bay.
4 October: The ‘Say it in a Song – Rap it in a Rhyme’ competition closes at midnight!
5 October: FunDza launches a new weekly blog on its site: Metrorail Mondays.
10 October: FunDza trustees meet for their second board meeting of the 2016 financial year.
12-19 October: Dorothy attends the Frankfurt Book Fair on behalf of publishing partner, Cover2Cover Books. She’ll also be chatting to people about FunDza.
28-30 October: Mignon will be speaking about FunDza’s work at the m-Education Alliance Symposium in Washington DC. She’ll be staying on into November to attend and exhibit at the USAID Global Education Summit.
