calendar A new year! We are excited for 2017, and all it holds for FunDza. With most staff returning to work after some vacation time on the 9th of January, we hit the ground running and can’t wait to get stuck in to 2017! Some events this month include:

10 January: Dorothy presents the FunDza mobi site and YeBo programme to Heideveld High School’s language teachers.

17-20 January: Dorothy Dyer runs teacher training workshops in Limpopo for the Regional English Language Office (RELO) of the US Embassy

17 January: Dianne Stewart, writer mentor and project manager of the KZN Mentoring Our Future Writers Project, comes for tea at the FunDza HQ!

19 January: Sonja Kruse hosts a “Reading for Enjoyment” workshop for Communiversity in Vrygrond.

20 January: FunDza starts its Lifelong Learning (Friday) Lunchtime series at which the staff come together to watch and discuss interesting presentations, videos and talks that centre on education, literacy, technology, and more.

26-27 January: Dorothy runs workshops on the Power of Reading with the new intake of Year Beyond volunteers.

31 January: Sonja Kruse runs a “Branding Me” workshop for Fit For Life in Vrygrond.
