Check out what’s up for April 2017!

calendar3 April: Sonja hosts a Branding Me workshop in Etafeni.

3 April: Dorothy runs a training workshop around reading for pleasure with Ikamva Youth coordinators.

4 April: Sonja and Dorothy run training workshops for volunteers at YEBO.

6 April: Whoop! Whoop! FunDza turns 6! Cake and tea at the office!

8 April: Nandi and Dorothy train beneficiaries at the Beautiful Gate Foundation.

12 April: Mignon attends an Indigo Trust grantee event to talk to other grantees about the Accountability Stack/Democracy in Action concept.

23 April: World Book Day!

21-26 April: Sonja and Zimkhitha run a series of reading and writing workshops with learners in Limpopo who are enrolled in a joint project with Sumbandila and Rethink Education. We’ll keep you posted!


