Brian Mbanga, an expert in human resources and organisational development, has joined the FunDza board. We’re delighted to welcome him to the team and look forward to his insight and his people-centred warmth on the team. Here we ask him a few questions about his background and what made him choose FunDza!

Could you tell us a little about yourself and what you do?
I was born and raised in Cape Town. I grew up with a very keen interest in reading. During the early 1990’s, I would keep the library workers from locking up at the Observatory Library, because I was engrossed in the Gumdrop books after school. That library still holds a special place in my heart, as that’s where my love for reading was nurtured. I work for the Empact Group, where I oversee the Medical Portfolio for catering services across various private hospitals.

Could you tell us a little about yourself and what you do?
My childhood dream was to become a Locomotive Engineer (train driver). Being a people’s person weighed more than my love for trains. I started my career as a school teacher and left teaching to pursue a career in Human Resources. My love for trains has not died though.

Why FunDza – what excites or interests you most about our work?
I am inspired by the work that Fundza is involved in. I have a vested interest in community and youth development. I believe that education plays a vital key in unlocking some of society’s challenges. If i can contribute to that, then by all means! I will commit myself to the work that Fundza is doing in uplifting young people!

What is one of your favourite books and why?
I’m currently reading “Leader without a title” by Robin Sharma. I’m fascinated by the leadership topic and how its adopted in various organizations. I’ve been meaning to read this book for a long time. I’m glad I finally got the opportunity to do so. I don’t really have favorite books. My reading material is motivated by circumstances in my life at that particular time. I should have been a song writer instead.

And finally: what have you missed most in lockdown?
I have not been working from home at all, since the Coronavirus landed. I’m thankful that I have been safe and well during this time, as I walk in and out of hospitals. So I can’t really relate with the frustrations of being locked down at home and keeping the refrigerator full.


Thanks, Brian, for joining the FunDza team. We’re so excited to have your expertise on our board!
